Sometimes, when you’ve reached a point where your home just simply isn’t providing you with the storage space you need to fit your life’s worth in it, it can become reason enough for you to begin to fall out of love with what was once home sweet home. Purging and de-junking are great, but there’s only so much you can get rid of!
If you’re fighting to squeeze in your life’s belongings into a condensed living space, here are some handy solutions that can help solve your storage issues and allow you to embrace and love your home again.
High Shelves in the Laundry Room
Shelves, of course, are a very necessary component for storing stuff. But when your walls can’t provide you with enough blank space to install them, you’ve got to start thinking higher – like towards the ceiling. Ceiling shelves and mounted racks are the perfect solution that can provide you with extra room for storage, while being discreetly tucked high and away, above the plain of sight. So if your laundry room or any room could use more shelves, start looking higher!
Custom Shelves for Basement Storage
If you’re lucky enough to have a large basement, well, chances are you don’t have a problem finding space to store stuff. But if it’s tiny, optimizing that space is essential. Custom shelving units are a must. They can be installed along the wall, under the stairs, or even as a separate unit in a corner of the basement. They will be your saving grace when it comes to storing away that Christmas tree and other bits and pieces that have no place on the main floor.
Built-ins for the Living Room
Built-in units are becoming increasingly popular, especially these days where living spaces are becoming more condensed. Every bit of space counts when it comes to storage, and that’s why sacrificing a few feet from the walls is well worth it. Built-ins provide the perfect balance of storage space and aesthetic design. They’re discreet, handy, and practical.
Customize Your Closet
We know how many people dream about opening their closet to a perfectly organized, colour-coded closet. Okay, well may colour-coded is a bit extreme, but organized and space-efficient certainly isn’t. You closet is one of the first things you set eyes on in the morning, so don’t let the disorganized, limited space ruin your mood. You can have customized shelves and units, even in the tiniest of spaces that will help you keep your clothes (and mind) organized.
So bring back the love to your home by optimizing the space your have. Storage space can be easy to find once you know where to look. If you’re struggling to fit your life in your home, give us a call. We can provide you with suggestions and custom designs to help you organize your life.
At To-Do Done Renovations & Handyman Services, working with wood is our specialty. Get in touch to learn more about our carpentry services, including custom cabinetry, shelving, closets, and storage solutions for homeowners throughout the Ottawa area.