When the fall weather has finally arrived, you know what that means – time for some home maintenance! It may not be your favourite time of the year, but it is necessary and important in order to protect your home as much as possible from being vulnerable to any damage during those long and harsh winter months. Before that first major snowfall arrives, make sure you incorporate these five key maintenance tips for your home.
Seal Windows
Any windows or doorways where there are potentials for air leaks and drafts, take the time now to seal up those areas before that cold chill enters your home. There are several ways you can achieve this, depending on the source of the draft. But a few of the most common and simplest ways is to apply some weather stripping, rope caulk, and even door snakes that will fit right underneath your doors.
Clear Out the Gutters
This task is best to do once the leaves have mostly fallen off of the trees surrounding your home. And once they have, grab a ladder, a handy friend, and clear out all of that debris from the eavestrough and storm drains. You want to ensure that any extreme moisture and snow won’t end up pooling and causing any potential damage come next spring.
Inspect the Roof and Attic
It’s always a good idea to stay on top of roof maintenance by inspecting it and your attic once a year to keep tabs on how it’s holding up against wear and tear. If any moisture is getting through your roof, it could lead to a variety of problems, included weakened insulation. That could result in a cold, drafty home for the wintertime, so get up there or hire someone to do it for you.
Outdoor Repairs
Whether it’s the front steps that need repair, or the porch that needs sealer or replacement planks, get all of your exterior repairs done right from the get go so you won’t be left with a snowy surprise before they’re done.
Check your Furnace
Before you turn on that heat, it’s important to perform some maintenance on your furnace first. Clean out the furnace, air ducts, and vents, and change the air filter as well.
Fall maintenance is all part of what comes with being a homeowner. But that doesn’t mean you have to endure those tasks. If you can’t do it yourself, or simply don’t have the time to, give us your to-do list. Whether it’s cleaning out the gutters, repairing the front porch, or even sealing off your windows – leave it to us and our professional handymen will take care of it for you!